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Have You Ever Faked Creativity (Be Honest)?
Have you ever faked creativity?
Go on, be honest. We all know creativity is elusive at times.
You can set the right mood with music, lighting and comfortable seating. Yet despite all the coaxing, inspiration fails to strike.
It’s maddening, right?
Whether you’re a writer, artist or designer, there is a natural ebb and flow to any creative process. Sometimes you feel stuck or uninspired. Other times the ideas flow freely.
I work in a creative industry. Everyday I am expected to come up with ideas and insight on demand. Some days I am more creative than others. When I am less inspired, I dig deep. I rely on my technical training to push through blocks. Yet deep down I may not be satisfied with the quality of my output.
Deep down I know when I am faking creativity.
No one knows for sure how creativity works.
Everyone knows the left-brain versus right-brain thinking. This type of binary brain theory is considered overly simplistic and passé by neurological experts.
New brain theory suggests creativity occurs when the brain connects between…